Study Biomedical Science with international access to our state-of-the-art laboratories and facilities in Dubai and the UK. Immerse yourself in the exciting and dynamic exploration of the treatment and understanding of human diseases. Witness how research translates into advances in clinical practice and how the boundaries of our knowledge of the science of the human body are advanced.
- Benefit from access to state-of-the-art facilities as you study at both our Birmingham, UK and Dubai campuses
- Explore emerging fields, such as stem cell therapies and also learn more about major disorders like cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disease, arthritis, and diabetes, and the genetic basis of inherited disorders
- You’ll learn from subject experts covering all major biomedical disciplines in world-class settings, thereby receiving a rich diversity of academic knowledge and experience
- You will benefit from many different innovative approaches to teaching aimed at enhancing your learning
- Our programmes are constantly updated to reflect the latest developments in the field, providing graduates with a broad foundation of knowledge to pursue a career in Biomedical Science
Your learning will take place in a range of different forms, dependent on the subject matter: from scheduled teaching in lectures; online lecture delivery, including broadcast live from the UK; laboratory and computer-based practicals; to interactive e-learning. You will engage in small groups and reinforce your learning with tutorials, problem-based tasks and feedback sessions.
Many of our graduates embark on laboratory work in universities, often in PhD positions and in hospitals. Many also go on to become clinical scientists and working for biotechnology companies. Other degree-related careers also include work in clinical trials, and in marketing and management roles at biotechnology companies.
Biomedical Sciences BSc – 3 years
What will you study?
The first two years of the Biomedical Science course will be spent on our Dubai campus, building a detailed understanding of how the human body functions and what can go wrong in disease.
In the second year, whilst continuing to build a strong foundation of knowledge in biomedical science, there will be an opportunity to specialise in a scientific area of your choice, linked to our College's major research themes.
During your final year, you will be located at our Birmingham, UK campus. In your first term, you specialise by selecting from a variety of taught specialist modules in a wide range of subject areas, including different aspects of neuroscience, cancer, virology, cardiovascular science, pharmacology, endocrinology, stem cell biology, ageing, genetics, and immunology. You’ll learn about the latest findings and be exposed to advanced research techniques, guided by internationally recognised experts in these fields.
The taught options lead on to a 10-week research project in the spring term, in which you will work independently, under supervision, full-time on an original piece of research in an area of interest chosen by you. In the majority of cases, this is laboratory-based specifically within one of our leading research active laboratories, although educational, business, and entrepreneurial projects are also available. This project will develop not just your practical and analytical abilities, but also a range of other skills that will be a key to success in whatever career path you choose.
‘The thing I like most about the Biomedical Science course is the teaching – the lecturers are very passionate about their subjects, and this comes across in teaching. The different teaching methods used are really interesting and you get to engage with the lecturers in different ways.’
Sophie Mouchouchos, Biomedical Science Alumna
Biomedical Sciences MSci - 4 years
What will you study?
The first two years of the MSci Biomedical Science course are identical to the 3-year BSc course and will build a detailed understanding of how the human body functions and what can go wrong in disease. The content extends from the single cell to the whole body. You will begin to learn about major pathologies such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disease, arthritis and diabetes, and the genetic basis of inherited disorders.
In both your third and final years, you will study at our picturesque Birmingham, UK campus. During the first term of your third year you specialise by selecting from a variety of taught specialist modules in a wide range of subject areas, including different aspects of neuroscience, cancer, virology, cardiovascular science, pharmacology, endocrinology, stem cell biology, ageing, genetics, and immunology. You’ll learn about the latest findings and be exposed to advanced research techniques, guided by internationally recognised experts in these fields. You then undertake a translational research module which is underpinned by understanding the processes required when moving treatments from the laboratory bench to the bedside.
In your fourth year, you choose a further two optional modules from a selection of modules around emerging technologies within the biomedical field including omics, bioinformatics, clinical haematology and science communication. You will then undertake a 15-week research project, in which you will work independently, under supervision, full-time on an original piece of research in an area of interest chosen by you. In the majority of cases, this is laboratory based within one of our leading research active laboratories, although educational, business and entrepreneurial projects are also available. This extended project will develop not just your practical and analytical abilities, but also a range of other advanced skills that will be a key to success in whatever career path you choose.
‘A transformative Biomedical Education founded on research excellence and innovative teaching practice, creating graduates with the attributes to make them highly successful leaders of the future.’
Professor Chris Tselepis, Head of the School of Biomedical Sciences